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Stars of the Orchestra (9)

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Members Info

Contact Details for Coffs Harbour City Orchestra Committee

President:              Richard St John            0427 216 417
Vice President       Happy Mollica              0414 644 476
Secretary               Pamela Fayle               (02)6654 7700
Treasurer               David Fayle                0401 022 951
Librarian                Louise Thompson       (02)6655 9320
Publicity Officer    Cath McIntyre                0421965478
Conductor              Tim Egan                    0418 515 617

Current Members of the Orchestra

Conductor       Tim Egan from 7 February 2013
Kris Edwards
             Wendy Nathan

Violins              Joy Griffin, Ruth Egan, Olivier La Mer Adair, Carol McCabe (on leave), 
                         Robyn Coulton, Pamela Fayle, Rowena Post, Louise Thompson, Dara Whitelege
                         Daniel Vivas, Jill Price, Emere Rose,  

Violas                James Minson, David Fayle, Connor Nathan,    
Cellos                Stephanie Abbott, Richard St John, Sandra Jacobs-Cash, Tessa Lock, Pat Guest                          
Double Bass      Kris Edwards, 

Bass Guitar       Happy Mollica (also mandolin)
Flute                  Deb Meredith, Lydia Sowa, Stephanie Leader, Ragavi Jeyakumar
                         Pat Harwood, Chenoa Wilson (also piccolo), 
Clarinet             Varelle Bennett, Lisa Connery, Mart Meulenbroeks, Emily Fraser, Mandy Finke,                               Caitlin Jeremy (on leave), 
Bass Clarinet    Jacinta Clarke, Daniel Langley (on leave)
Saxophone       Jen Bedford (soprano), Trus Meulenbroeks, Alan Beven, Erinna Watson,
                         Simon Vivas
Oboe                 Josh Jeremy 
Bassoon            Rosemary Lloyd, Adrienne Farago
Trumpet            Cath McIntyre, Corbin Judd, Allan Marsh, Bella Rorich
                         Asher Rorich,Joseph Hein
Trombone          Sai Rorich, Jarden Aay 
French Horn      Kerrie McInnes (also sax), Frank Leitch, Alexei Benson (on leave)
Percussion         Nick Murray, Fiona Scott, Greg Richardson
Piano                 Wilma Romero


What we Expect of You
You will need to have your own instrument and music stand. Orchestra chairs are provided for practices and performances.  Let us know when you can’t be at rehearsals or performances.  If you feel the part you have been given to play is beyond your current ability, let a committee member know and we will arrange one that will suit you as we have the capacity to transpose and to write simpler parts where required.    

Orchestra members pay an annual fee to cover costs such as insurance, performers association memberships and the cost of hiring, buying and copying music (this can be paid up front or in flexible installments or acquitted by means of fund raising so let the Treasurer know if you have any issues or need an alternative solution). Since March 2012 full time students are not charged any fee.  There is a family discount when more than one member of a family plays in the orchestra. New players are not charged membership fees for the first 6 months while they check out whether they wish to continue.  The fee is currently set at only $50 for the full year.

What you can Expect of Us
Mixing with a group of talented musicians who have a passion for great music and  getting the buzz of playing in an orchestra.  You will be bringing wonderful music to people in the Coffs area. 

Orchestra members are not paid for their performances, this is a Community Orchestra.  We often perform for the community at little or no fee but where we charge entrance, the takings are used to pay for venue hire and  advertising, buy necessary equipment, supplement costs of buying or renting musical scores, to pay guest soloists or co-performers where appropriate and to pay conductors for rehearsals and concerts.  Council and other grants are applied for annually and often provide funding for particular concert projects or for equipment such as photocopiers.  An annually elected committee organises concerts, plans expenditure and generally runs things.

Rehearsals are held from 7-9pm every Thursday (except over the Christmas/January holiday break) at the Coffs Harbour Seventh Day Adventist Church Hall at 1 Valley St, Coffs Harbour.  Check reminder notices on this site for notices about any other cancellations (eg in school holidays we often take a week or two break if many members are away
.  Please try to be there and set up  by 7 pm for tuning. Members supply own instrument and music stand

We play for performances as the opportunities occur. We try to do at least one nursing home or retirement village each year as a community service.  Most concerts are in school and church or community halls or club venues, but we also occasionally play outdoors where there is appropriate shelter for instruments (eg at the Botanic Gardens and some school covered areas). Advance notice of performances are notified on this website.  If you can’t be there, it is absolutely essential that you tell the orchestra president or secretary in advance so that we are not left without key instruments for certain may affect the choice of repertoire or involve another instrument doubling your part.

Dress for performances is all black and music should be in a black folder as well. Assistance with set up and clear up are most appreciated as is assistance with promoting the concerts to potential audiences.


New Library Arrangements

From second concert 2024 parts will be emailed to orchestra members as a pdf for uploading to an ipad device or printing out.  For those without access to suitable printers you must let the librarian know and a printed copy will be provided.  The library is being digitised to make storage more sustainable and to reduce the photocopying load for the librarian.