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Category > Past Concerts

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Woolgoolga August 2007
Woolgoolga August 2007

\\\'Carnival of the animals\\\' Xmas 2006

Guest player Jason Heise: Xmas 2007
Guest player Jason Heise: Xmas 2007

April 08 Concert at Bellingen
April 08 Concert at Bellingen

April 2008 Bellingen
April 2008 Bellingen

our guest orchestra members at the 5/9/08 music-making concert
our guest orchestra members at the 5/9/08 music-making concert

The combined orchestra 5/9/08
The combined orchestra 5/9/08

Bill and Rudi have some competition!
Bill and Rudi have some competition!

Joy and Sally lead the violins 5/9/08
Joy and Sally lead the violins 5/9/08

you can never have too many clarinets!! 5/9/08
you can never have too many clarinets!! 5/9/08